NO #OLIVIAPOPE needed! Memphis Daycare Center Director Handles Reporter

Every now and then news reporters try and manipulate the interviewees on camera with their investigative questioning and slick interviewing techniques. Well, this time, a Memphis day care center director, Terry Oliver, who was seemingly under fire by Memphis’ Fox 13 reporter Trey Paul, used her professionalism and quick wit to stand firm with the center’s decision to open the door to a drug dealer, who at the time was just a mere stranger and possible customer. We didn’t have to call Olivia Pope for this interview, Terry had it handled! Not only did she address the procedures and plans executed by the day care center, she also sent a direct challenge to city leaders in Memphis and the mayor to address how issues such as these and crime can be fixed.

If any of you ever need notes on how to remain professional and turn a negative question into a positive, take a look at Terry Oliver’s response. Absolutely phenomenal. You would almost believe someone gave her the questions ahead of the interview. It does not get any better than this in my opinion!  The Day care center and its owners should be very proud to have Terri as the director. Professionalism at its finest. #TERRIFORMAYOR

Take a look at the interview below that originally aired on

Rolling With Ro is an inspirationalist, blogger and social media enthusiast. He is a proud graduate of Rust College in Holly Springs, MS, one of the nations oldest HBCU’s founded in 1866.  Ro enjoys providing a one of kind perspective on a variety of issues and topics. He usually takes a comedic spin on topics but never fails to deliver the message. He can be reached via email at  Don’t forget to like his fb page,rollingwithro by clicking on the link.

69 thoughts on “NO #OLIVIAPOPE needed! Memphis Daycare Center Director Handles Reporter

  1. Many of you need to watch and listen to the interview again. Then take a moment to understand how certain media outlets work. The reporter had a specific agenda, and his questions were pre planned to address it. If he didn’t he would be looking for a new job shortly after the interview ended. If asked about his line of questioning he would probably reply the way Don Lemmon does. “I’m doing my job”.

    The reporter stuck to his line as he hoped to get a rise out of Terry Oliver. If she had ended the interview or got angry then he would have (in his eyes) won. She was calm, collected; and focused on the points of relevance to her and her organisation. A twenty One year old business that has procedures in place, in addition to an emergency plan (which was followed).

    Watch, listen and learn how to play the game better than the click-bait media outlets.

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  2. #TERRYFORMAYOR I second that! Those were my thoughts as I watched the video clip. So proud of how she handled herself. We need more sisters like her as positive representations of our people in the media. What an example for little girls and even grown women to look up to!

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  3. She handled herself well but they did make a huge mistake and needed to explain why the heck they didn’t use the intercom. I think he persisted bc he was trying to get a straight answer around her very professional answers that were completely missing the point. The daycare policy needs to be revisited. I couldn’t even watch the whole thing.

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  4. She should be complimented on her composure and professionalism but someone should be fired. That’s a major error in judgement. At my daycare even if they know who the parent is they still require them to buzz in and announce themselves. Anyone not recognized or listed on the pick up list doesn’t come in. Period. She’s lucky he wasn’t a shooter.

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  5. This underlines one of the things that’s wrong with journalism today: reporters who come to a story with an agenda. A guy suspected of dealing drugs forces his way into a daycare center and the center dealt with it. But this reporter seemed anxious to prove someone had done something wrong. He asked, ‘what do you say to parents who say this isn’t good enough’ without telling us whether any parents have in fact said that. This kind of trying to create a controversy where none exists is one of the reasons the local tv news audience isnt what it used to be.

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  6. He was pissed because he couldn’t trip her up. He was determined to make her stutter. Instead she remained calm and professional! He could not hide his annoyed behavior. You go girlfriend keep doing what you do and with a smile. She had full control and he lost his. He did everything other than throw a tantrum. Poor journalism!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I felt the reporter was disrespectful to the director. He seem bored and would look away like a spoiled teenager.


  8. White people always want an excuse to justify their prejudice. This idiot was basically asking her why she didn’t recognize that he was a criminal from his skin color, appearance, etc. and deny him access to your building. She carried herself with class and restraint and made him look like an ass.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Thanks, ro! I am recently getting into facebook myself and noticing that it generates a significant amount of traffic here. I’m new to the game, but enjoying it. Thanks for your reply!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The situation could have turned into a serious one…. but God!! The reporter may be in line for a promotion and trying to prove his worthiness. Just saying!

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